Exercises with elastic bands

There are several accessories that help you train in a more motivating and dynamic way. An example of this are exercises with elastic bands.

Therefore, elastic bands are a great example to continue with your training pace, as they are offered in different formats and their resistance is different from one another.

Ten exercises practiced with elastic bands

– Exercises with chest elastics

  • Crucifixo com elástico

Nesse exercício, o elástico tem que estar preso em uma altura média, pode ser numa porta ou num poste, você estiver treinando ao ar livre prenda a uma árvore.

Esse exercício é como realizar crossover na polia, porém é com um elástico. Em seguidas, tique do lado deste ponto fixo e segure a banda do elástico com o braço que está ao seu lado.

A sua posição de início tem que ser a seguinte: pegando o elástico, com os braços rapidamente dobrados e para frente ponha as palmas da mão.

Após, precisa puxar o elástico, e manter os braços um pouco dobrados, até que as palmas da mão consigam se cruzar ou tocar uma na outra.

Conforme a altura que você colocou o elástico, vai trabalhar zonas diferentes do peito. Se começar puxando de cima para baixo, você vai estar trabalhando mais a parte inferior do peito ou se puxar de baixo para cima, a parte superior do peito irá ser mais trabalhada.

  • Push up com resistência
Exercícios com elásticos
Foto: Reprodução.

Prenda cada uma das mãos nas duas extremidades do elástico, depois passe o elástico pela parte superior das costas. Faça a posição como se fosse realizar uma flexão e faça o exercício como normalmente faria.

Essa variação com elástico possui o grande benefício que é aumentar a carga na zona superior do corpo, assim, pressionando uma ativação muscular com mais acentuação.

– Exercícios com elásticos para costas

  • Rowing with elastic

Start the exercise by placing your feet shoulder-width apart and step on the elastic band. Your knees must be slightly bent while you lean your upper body forward and hold each end of the elastic.

You have to contract your abdomen very well and make sure your back is always straight. Then, you just need to pull the elastic as if you were going to row with dumbbells.

  • Lat pullldown

Attach the elastic to a high support and stand facing the band, keeping your body straight.

Hold the ends of the elastic band with your arms quickly flexed and bend your torso forward and your knees a little.

Lower and raise your arms with successive movements, always contracting your back muscles. Make sure you are not fully stretching your arms, as you will be using your triceps.

– Exercises with elastic bands for legs

  • Extended leg abduction

Lie down on your right side, and keep your heels, knees, hips and shoulders well aligned. The right leg must be slightly bent to have greater stability during the exercise.

The left hand should be placed forward, the pelvis in a neutral position and the belly contracted, so that the waist is slightly away from the mat.

The elastic band needs to secure the feet. The purpose is to exhale and lift your left leg with the resistance band to maximum tension.

  • Squat

Place the elastic under your feet, which must be well aligned with your shoulders. Hold the ends of the elastic band with your hands and bring it to your shoulder. Perform the squat normally, contracting your core a lot.

– Exercises with arm bands

  • Curl with elastic

You have to attach the elastic band under your feet and hold each end in a way that keeps both elbows together with your torso while performing the curl movement. Before slowly lowering your arms, contract your biceps during the movement.

  • Overhead extension unilateral

With your foot straight, secure the elastic and hold the ends. Pull the end being held in your right hand behind the throne so that your arm is bent at a 90-degree angle behind your head.

The purpose is that after stretching your arm, the elastic band provides greater resistance.

– Exercises with elastic bands for the shoulders

  • Front raises

Start by attaching the elastic band under your feet and hold each end. Keeping your back straight and your glutes very contracted, and your shoulders also need to be contracted.

Raise your arms forward until they are parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your arms and lift them back up.

  • Side raise

To perform this exercise you have to attach the elastic band under your right foot and hold the other end with your right hand.

While keeping your arms and body straight, raise your arm sideways, pulling the elastic band, until it is at head height. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself.

The techniques for this movement are the same as exercising with a dumbbell.