Tangerine: Discover its benefits

Key benefits of tangerine

Without further ado, we will now share the 12 main benefits that this wonderful fruit can offer to your health. Check them out:

1 – Lowers bad cholesterol, LDL

As a fruit rich in fiber, tangerine is capable of reducing total cholesterol levels and especially bad cholesterol, the famous LDL, in the blood, which can help prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and even heart attacks. Additionally, tangerine is also rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, and citric acid, which are antioxidants capable of preventing oxidation in fat cells, in addition to reducing excess fat in the bloodstream.

2 – Helps prevent diabetes

As mentioned earlier, tangerine is a fruit with good amounts of fiber and a low glycemic index, which contributes to balancing blood glucose levels, helping to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes. However, the benefits do not stop there; tangerine also helps regulate blood glucose levels, which aids in diabetes management in those who already have the condition. It is worth noting that tangerine consumption should not replace the use of medication without a doctor’s guidance.

3 – Aids in cancer prevention

Tangerine contains significant amounts of vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids, which are compounds with antioxidant properties. For this reason, they strengthen the immune system and combat excess free radicals, contributing to the prevention and development of cancer.

4 – Assists in weight loss

Tangerine has a low glycemic index, which increases the duration of food digestion, prolonging satiety throughout the day. Therefore, it is an excellent option for weight loss diets and preventing overweight and obesity.

5 – Helps in the treatment of stress and anxiety

Due to its calming effect on the central nervous system, tangerine peel has been widely used in the form of teas or essential oils, as it reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body. As a result, it is great for assisting in stress and anxiety treatments.

6 – Takes care of eye health

Another benefit of tangerine is that it is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids with high antioxidant power that protect the body against damage caused by free radicals, promoting eye health and preventing cataracts. Additionally, the carotenoids in tangerine also protect the eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, preventing macular degeneration, a condition that reduces vision capacity.

7 – Prevents heart diseases

Tangerine is rich in pectin, cellulose, and lignin, which help reduce the absorption of dietary fat. This decreases the risk of acquiring heart diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. Furthermore, tangerine also contributes to combating free radicals, improving arterial health and preventing high blood pressure.

8 – Controls Blood Pressure

Tangerine contains good amounts of potassium, a mineral that helps eliminate excess sodium through urine, preventing and combating high blood pressure. Moreover, due to its antioxidants, tangerine also improves blood vessel health and facilitates blood circulation, resulting in the prevention and control of high blood pressure.

9 – Helps treat anemia

Being rich in vitamin C, tangerine enhances the absorption of iron from food, aiding in the treatment of anemia. Iron is essential for hemoglobin formation, which is typically reduced in anemia.

10 – Improves skin health

Tangerine is a source of vitamin C, citric acid, and carotenoids, potent antioxidants that combat the action of free radicals and UV rays on the skin. Therefore, it helps prevent issues such as skin cancer and dermatitis. Furthermore, the vitamin C in this fruit also contributes to collagen formation, improving skin hydration and elasticity, preventing wrinkles and sagging.

11 – Strengthens the immune system

Tangerine is a fruit rich in antioxidant compounds like vitamin C, carotenoids, and citric acid, which help prevent excessive formation of free radicals, strengthening the immune system. It also prevents diseases like the flu, colds, and even common allergies. Moreover, due to its high fiber content, tangerine serves as an excellent prebiotic, strengthening beneficial gut bacteria and maintaining intestinal flora health, reducing the risk of infections.

12 – Combats constipation

Tangerine is rich in fiber and water, essential components for forming fecal matter and improving natural bowel movements. As a result, it facilitates stool elimination and combats constipation. Additionally, the fiber in tangerine serves as food for beneficial gut bacteria, promoting intestinal flora balance and preventing constipation.

How to consume?

There is no specific recommended quantity for consuming this fruit. However, experts recommend consuming 2 to 3 servings of fruit per day, which corresponds to 160g to 240g per day.

Tangerine can be consumed fresh or used in recipes such as salads, juices, sauces, and even cakes. The leaves and peel of this fruit can be used to make teas when dried or to produce essential oils.

To make tangerine tea, you can prepare it with just one tablespoon of clean, dried leaves in 250 milliliters of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes, let it cool, then strain and drink.

Tangerine essential oil is easily found in natural product stores and some pharmacies. To use it, simply dilute 5 drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of coconut or jojoba oil and apply it to the skin to assist in the treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis. It is essential to avoid sun exposure for up to 6 hours after applying this oil to the skin.

Finally, you can also use all parts of this fruit to make an infusion. Place the peels of 3 fresh tangerines in 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 2 minutes, letting it steep for another 10 minutes. Then, just remove the peel and drink the tea warm or cold, according to your preference.

Which of the tangerine’s benefits caught your attention for consuming this fruit? Additionally, share this article with a friend who needs to boost their health with tangerines!